Catholic Vocation Directors from the Various Dioceses and Religious Congregations in Ghana have just ended their 45th Annual General Meeting at Sekondi-Takoradi, in the Western Region of Ghana, with a number of resolutions.
The meeting which ran from February 13-17, 2025, at the St. Kizito Pastoral Centre, Apowa, was held under the theme: “Nurturing Vocations in a Synodal Church: The Role of the Vocation Promoter”.
Recognizing the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the continued call to unity among Vocations’ Directors, and understanding Synodality in the context of vocations, Vocation Promoters at the end of their 45th Congress on the Synodal Church, affirmed and resolved the following:
Affirmation of Synodal Process:
They reaffirmed their commitment to the Synodal Church that listens, discerns and journeys together. They felt called by the Synodal path, to deepen their sense of communal participation, fostering dialogue, mutual respect and shared responsibilities between Vocation Directors and candidates for Priestly and Religious life.
Commitment to Pastoral Accompaniment:
They pledged to walk with their brothers and sisters responding to the call of God in faith, especially those who have difficulties, challenges and uncertainties.
Strengthening of Parental Role:
In keeping with the spirit of the Synodal process, the Directors recognized the significant and vital role of the family especially parents and guardians in the formation of all candidates to the Priestly and Religious life. They further pledged their commitment to collaborate with parents to participate actively in decision-making processes, and ensuring that their voices are heard in the direction of the Church.
Formation and Education:
They resolved to continue offering opportunities for the formation of all candidates in the faith, so that all may grow in knowledge, understanding and love for God and the mission of the Church. They pledged not to silence any candidate, but, ever ready to listen to and allow them to discern and exhibit their God-given talents. They hoped to do this, by being less bureaucratic and more relational in their approach.
They also committed themselves to creating safe spaces to accommodate the uniqueness and differences in others, thus, wearing the face of the Synodal Church in valuing unity in diversity.
Prayer and Pastoral Care:
Since having vocation is one thing and nurturing it is another, the Vocation promoters resolved to continue praying together for the grace of Synodality to take root in their hearts and in the hearts of all their candidates. They recommitted themselves to confidentiality, promising to refer all cases beyond their office to the appropriate experts and authorities.
Ongoing Formation:
They made a passionate appeal to their Bishops and Superiors to offer formation programmes to the Priests and Religious before their appointments as Vocations Directors.
The resolutions made in the spirit of unity and collaboration, were presented to the group by Rev. Fr. Mark Acheampong, Vocations Director of Kumasi Archdiocese in the Conference Hall during the Closing Session on February 16, 2025.
By Sr. Sylvie Lum Cho, MSHR (S
ister Communicator)