Today’s readings, offer a profound reflection on the theme of remorse. From the story of David’s repentance after his sin with Bathsheba (2 Samuel 12) to the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32), we see that true remorse is marked by genuine contrition and a heart that seeks restoration. David’s psalm of repentance (Psalm 51) expresses the deep sorrow for sin and the desire for God’s mercy, highlighting how remorse, when sincere, leads to a renewed relationship with the Lord. Similarly, the prodigal son, in his regret and return to the father, exemplifies how remorse leads to grace and reconciliation. These readings remind us that while sin brings pain and separation, true remorse opens the door for forgiveness and the healing power of God’s love. It is through remorse that we are made aware of our need for divine mercy, and it is through repentance that we find redemption in Christ.

Again, the readings take our minds to the sin of commission which we confess each day in the celebration of the mass. We must be remorseful for committing those sins and God’s forgiveness will be swift. May God continue to bless as on this Lenten journey.
Sr. Gifty Anastasia Blewu, SMMC
( Sister Communicator )