The Sisters of the Incarnate Word (SVI) have celebrated the feast of the Holy Innocents at the residence of their founder, the Most Rev. Matthew Gyamfi, Bishop of Sunyani.
At the Bishop’s house were the Sisters with their Novices, Postulants and aspirants.
The celebration started with the liturgy of the hours, singing of Christmas carols, celebration of the Holy Eucharist by the Bishop.
The Bishop encouraged Sisters to be committed and give their all to God even if it means their lives like the innocent children who could not speak but have only their lives to offer for Christ.
After the Holy Eucharist, Bishop Gyamfi had a fraternal conversation with the Sisters.
The Christmas octave is a very big celebration for the SVI since it’s their congregational feast.
By Sr. Esther Kutie, SVI, (Sister Communicator)